eDocEngine VCL – Spesifikasi Lengkap

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eDocEngine VCL

eDocEngine VCL adalah rangkaian komponen pembuatan dokumen elektronik yang komprehensif untuk Delphi™ dan C++Builder®. eDocEngine dapat membuat dokumen dalam clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, Quattro Pro, LOTUS 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, TIFF, PNG, SVG (grafik vektor berbasis XML), JPEG, Format GIF, BMP, EMF dan WMF. eDocEngine dikirimkan dengan antarmuka Report-Export siap pakai yang terintegrasi erat dengan alat pelaporan Delphi populer seperti ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave, QuickReport, dan ACE Reporter. Menggunakan antarmuka Laporan-Ekspor eDocEngine, Anda dapat langsung mengekspor laporan ke PDF dan format lain tanpa harus menulis kode apa pun.

Untuk ketenangan pikiran dan nilai uang yang tak tertandingi, pertimbangkan Langganan Delphi Gnostice DevSystem Delphi "semua-VCL-termasuk-produk" kami. Anda mendapatkan 12 bulan pembaruan besar dan kecil gratis dan dukungan email prioritas.

Kompatibilitas: Delphi & C++ Builder

- Hasilkan dokumen dalam 20 format - teks, spreadsheet (termasuk XLSX), gambar raster, gambar vektor, dan papan klip
- Tambahkan dukungan format output tambahan untuk alat pelaporan Delphi populer seperti ReportBuilder, FastReport, dan Rave
- Render konten dengan peningkatan khusus format seperti anotasi, bidang formulir dan bookmark dalam PDF, dan lembar kerja di Excel
- Tentukan margin kustom, header, footer, dan placeholder teks run-time
- Render teks, gambar, bentuk, tabel, dan tanda air
- Render konten Unicode di Excel, PDF, RTF, XHTML & HTML - tulis bahasa non-Latin (Rusia, Jepang, Thailand, Hindi…); merender teks dalam semua mode teks dua arah untuk bahasa kanan-ke-kiri (Arab, Farsi, Ibrani); secara otomatis menyematkan font yang sesuai (hanya dalam PDF)
- Menerapkan pembuatan dokumen otomatis sisi server
- Lakukan operasi kanvas dan metafile pada dokumen keluaran

eDocEngine VCL
Buat dokumen, spreadsheet, dan gambar, serta ekspor laporan dalam 18 format.

Buat spreadsheet Excel dengan mudah
Juga ekspor ke Excel dari alat pelaporan Delphi yang populer.

=========== English ============

eDocEngine VCL

eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi™ and C++Builder®. eDocEngine can create documents in clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, Quattro Pro, LOTUS 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, TIFF, PNG, SVG (XML-based vector graphics), JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF formats. eDocEngine ships with ready-to-use Report-Export interfaces that tightly integrate with popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave, QuickReport, and ACE Reporter. Using eDocEngine Report-Export interfaces, you can directly export reports to PDF and other formats without having to write any code.

For complete peace of mind and unmatched value for money, do consider our "all-VCL-products-included" Gnostice DevSystem Delphi Subscription. You get 12 months free major and minor updates and priority e-mail support.

Compatibility : Delphi & C++Builder

- Generate documents in 20 formats - text, spreadsheet (including XLSX), raster image, vector image, and clipboard
- Add additional output format support for popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport and Rave
- Render content with format-specific enhancements such as annotations, form fields and bookmarks in PDF, and worksheets in Excel
- Specify custom margins, headers, footers, and run-time text placeholders
- Render text, images, shapes, tables and watermarks
- Render Unicode content on Excel, PDF, RTF, XHTML & HTML - write non-Latin languages (Russian, Japanese, Thai, Hindi…); render text in all bidirectional text modes for right-to-left languages (Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew); automatically subset embed appropriate fonts (only in PDF)
- Implement server-side automated document generation
- Perform canvas and metafile operations on output document

Create Excel spreadsheets with ease
Also export to Excel from popular Delphi reporting tools.

eDocEngine VCL
Create documents, spreadsheets and images, and export reports in 18 formats.

eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi and C++Builder. eDocEngine provides document-creation components for creating content in several formats:
Document : PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, TXT…
Spreadsheet : EXCEL, CSV…
Raster Image : TIFF, JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG…
Vector Image : SVG, EMF and WMF

eDocEngine also ships with several export-interface components. These components interface with popular Delphi components and export their content.
Reporting Components : ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave Report, QuickReport, AceReporter
Viewer/Export Components : TRichView, ScaleRichView, DevExpress Express Printing System, TMS Grid, ThtmlViewer, WPTools WPRichText…

These export-interface components can export content in all the formats supported by the document-creation components.

What Can You Do With eDocEngine?

- Create documents, spreadsheets, and images from scratch - in altogether 18 formats including PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, Text and CSV, TIFF, PNG, SVG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF & WMF - your ultimate document-creation backend!
- Save created content to files and streams
- Export content from metafiles, RTF documents, XML documents, single-frame images, multi-page TIFF…
- Export content from AceReporter, DevExpress Express Printing System, FastReport, QuickReport, Rave Reports, ReportBuilder, TRichView, ScaleRichView, ThtmlViewer, TMS Grid, WPTools WPRichText…
- Export content to Windows Clipboard
- Automatically display (launch) or e-mail created documents

Advanced Content Creation
- Directly draw to canvas - reuse existing GDI/TCanvas code (without any modification)
- Generate dynamic images
- Render text including whole paragraphs
- Export rich text as rich text
- Render auto-text (built-in and user-defined run-time placeholders)
- Render rotated images
- Create tables (with automatic word wrapping)
- Add headers and footers
- Automatically paginate when content overflows
- Specify document information properties
- Spreadsheets: Access individual cells and set their values/properties
- Spreadsheets: Render cells (even with formula values), tables, images, worksheets

Special PDF Features
- Render vertical text
- Render HTML-formatted strings on PDF
- Render Unicode (non-Latin and mixed-language) text
- Render right-to-left language text (Arabic, Farsi or Hebrew) using any bidirectional text mode defined in TBiDiMode
- Create compact hi-fidelity documents - using automatic font mapping & subset embedding of fonts
- Add PDF actions, form fields, annotations, markups, file attachments, watermarks, bookmarks, thumbnails, viewer preferences
- Generate digitally signed PDF documents.


Features provided by various editions of eDocEngine VCL are listed here.

Feature Matrix By Edition

Features By Category

General Features and I/O Support
Advanced Features / Generic Document Creation Support
3rd-Party / Reporting tools Support
File Formats Support
PDF Document / Forms Creation Support
RTF, HTML, XHTML Creation Support
Excel, Spreadsheet Creation Support

General Features and I/O Support - Professional
100% TCanvas, Windows® GDI functions
Add rotated text and Images (where supported)
Automatically email document after creation
Automatically open document after creation
Choose from pre-defined paper
Convert metafiles retaining vector graphics
Include all content element types [Text, Image, Shape…] (where supported)
Page Producer component to automatically write to HTTP Response
Page setup
Save and Restore engine settings
Save to file and memory stream
Set custom paper sizes
Set master unit of measurement [inch, cm…]
Sharable settings component

Advanced Features / Generic Document Creation Support - Professional
Auto pagination for text output as single line and paragraphs
Automatically parse and activate URLs: ftp://, http://, email, file://
Email options in setup dialog and accessible from Object Inspector for one-step export-email.
Header/Footer control
Include RichText as RichText
Insert backgrounds - image and text
Insert watermarks and stampings (insert any type of content element - metafile, image, text, including combination of elements)
Output whole paragraphs with single command
RichText rendering support as a standard procedure (DrawRichText). All content supported by TRichEdit can be rendered
Run-time Setup Dialogs enhanced for greater ease of use and appearance.
Store document information (where supported)
Support for Variables / Place holders for Text rendering. Built-in and user-defined variables supported. Built-in variables include Page#, Total Pages, Date and Time.
Table drawing - word wrap support for Title Row for each column
Table drawing functions, with full control
Unicode support added for text rendering

3rd-Party / Reporting tools Support - Professional
ACE Reporter Export
Auto alignment of text for Excel export. New properties ApplyAlignment and MultiPass provide greater control.
Express Printing System Export
FastReport Export (FR v2.x and above)
GmPrintSuite Export
Optimized image rendering: Storing a reused image only once in the PDF using OnEncodeGraphic and OnEncodeGraphicDone events. Greatly reduces file sizes when images are repeated.
QuickReport Export
Rave Reports Export
ReportBuilder Export
ScaleRichView Export
ThtmlViewer Export
TMS Grid Export
TRichView Export
Word wrapping of cell text for Excel export. New property WordWrap controls option.
WPTools WPRichText

File Formats Support - Professional
Other Document Formats: RTF, HTML, XHTML
Other Graphic Formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF
Other Spreadsheet and Text Formats: Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, Text and CSV
Windows® Clipboard

PDF Document / Forms Creation Support - Professional
Add Text Note, Link and Widget Annotations
Add thumbnails
Automatic font mapping and compact subset embedding of fonts
File Attachment: Support for attaching any type of external file to the created PDF.
Full Unicode support
Insert all types of Annotations: FreeText, Line, Square, Circle, Highlight, Underline, Squiggly, StrikeOut, Stamp, Ink.
Insert large JPEG image files directly into the PDF document
Interactive Forms - button actions for Submit and Reset
Interactive Forms - custom JavaScript button actions
Interactive Forms - submission format as HTML, FDF, XML
Interactive Forms creation (also known as AcroForms)
JavaScript Actions
Secure with password using 40bit and 128bit Encryption
Set any type of Action to links/annotations: GoToR, Launch, Named, JavaScript.
Set bookmarks with unlimited nesting levels
Set viewer preferences
Specify document information properties
Specify PDF compression settings
Store images as zipped bitmap and JPEG
Support for actions on Document and Page events. JavaScript actions can be associated with document and page events such as Open, Close, Print, Save.
Support for adding digital signatures
Support for all non-Latin languages and mixed language strings
Support for associating all actions with annotations, bookmarks, and document and page events.
Support for inserting Custom Document Information. Write XMP metadata of document to insert custom document information and make it accessible to applications that support XMP.
Support for right-to-left languages such as Arabic, Farsi or Hebrew in all bidirectional text modes (in TBiDiMode)
TrueType font embedding modes - full, subset, and no embedding
Vertical text rendering

RTF, HTML, XHTML Creation Support - Professional
Automatically parse and hyperlink URLs
HTML, XHTML: Build Table of Contents page
HTML, XHTML: Include page navigator with First, Prior, Next, Last and TOC links
HTML, XHTML: Set graphic and text based navigator buttons
HTML, XHTML: Set page to AutoScroll
HTML, XHTML: Store images as PNG, JPEG, GIF and BMP
Include images in binary encoding to reduce file size
RTF: Store images as PNG, JPEG, Metafile and BMP
Set tabs and output text at tab positions
Unicode support

Excel, Spreadsheet Creation Support - Professional
Access individual cells to place content
Create workbooks with unlimited worksheets
Formula support (in Excel)
Set individual column widths
Set row spacing and column spacing
Store images as Metafile and BMP
Support for Unicode (in Excel)
Support for XLSX-format output

System Requirements

The following IDEs are supported.

Delphi C++Builder
32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
6 Yes NA No NA
7 Yes NA NA NA
2005 No NA NA NA
2006 No NA No NA
2007 Yes NA Yes NA
2009 Yes NA Yes NA
2010 Yes NA Yes NA
XE Yes NA Yes NA
XE2 Yes Yes Yes NA
XE3 Yes Yes Yes No
XE4 Yes Yes Yes No
XE5 Yes Yes Yes No
XE6 Yes Yes Yes No
XE7 Yes Yes Yes No
XE8 Yes Yes Yes No
10 Seattle Yes Yes Yes No
10.1 Berlin Yes Yes Yes No
10.2 Tokyo Yes Yes Yes No
10.3 Rio Yes Yes Yes No
10.4 Sydney Yes Yes Yes No
11.0 Yes Yes Yes No

Important Keys :
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