rocscience RocFall – Assess Slopes at Risk of Rockfalls

rocscience RocFall
ROCFALL is a statistical analysis program designed to assist with a risk assessment of slopes at risk of rockfalls. Energy, velocity and “bounce height” envelopes for the entire slope are determined by the program as is the location of rock endpoints.

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rocscience RocFall

ROCFALL adalah program analisis statistik yang dirancang untuk membantu penilaian lereng yang berisiko runtuh. Selubung energi, kecepatan, dan "tinggi pantulan" untuk seluruh lereng ditentukan oleh program seperti halnya lokasi titik akhir batuan.

ROCFALL juga dapat membantu dalam menentukan tindakan perbaikan: sifat material dari setiap segmen lereng dapat diubah dan analisis dijalankan kembali, membandingkan hasilnya. Informasi tentang energi kinetik dan lokasi tumbukan pada penghalang dapat membantu menentukan kapasitas, ukuran, dan lokasi penghalang.

ROCFALL menyediakan berbagai cara untuk berinteraksi dengan program Windows lainnya. Semua data input dan output (diformat dalam bentuk tabel) dan tangkapan layar, dapat "ditempelkan" ke dalam pengolah kata untuk penulisan laporan yang cepat. ROCFALL juga memungkinkan data "mentah" (misalnya lokasi dampak pada penghalang) untuk "ditempelkan" ke dalam spreadsheet untuk lebih
analisis rinci. (misalnya, menentukan bagian mana dari lokasi tumbukan yang berada di atas ketinggian tertentu; atau menyesuaikan distribusi probabilitas dengan data).

Menilai Lereng yang Beresiko Terjatuh

Analisis Statistik 2D
Variasikan material lereng, geometri, dan penyemai batuan untuk mendapatkan serangkaian amplop statistik, grafik distribusi untuk energi, kecepatan, dan tinggi pantulan, serta memvisualisasikan jalur batuan dan distribusi titik akhir.

Alat Analisis & Desain Penghalang
Lakukan analisis sensitivitas dengan membuat penghalang khusus atau memilih dari perpustakaan besar penghalang yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya termasuk Geobrugg, Maccaferri, Pfeifer Isofer, RISP SRL, dan Trumer Schutzbauten.

Rigid Body Analysis
Dapatkan kontrol lebih besar atas analisis Anda dengan menentukan bentuk dan ukuran batuan dan mengaktifkan opsi untuk jaringan parut, hambatan tanah viskoplastik, dan redaman vegetasi. Algoritma Rigid Body juga mempertimbangkan reaksi impuls batuan.

RocFall di seluruh Aplikasi RocFall
1. Penambangan
Perhitungkan hilangnya lebar bangku, nilai risiko limpasan yang mencapai tingkat operasi yang lebih rendah, dan rancang langkah-langkah mitigasi untuk tambang Anda.

2. Lereng Batu
Menganalisis ketidakstabilan di lereng batuan yang sangat bersambung yang menimbulkan risiko kegagalan lereng kinematik.

3. Transportasi
Menilai risiko runtuhan batu mencapai jalan raya dan merancang dan memodelkan langkah-langkah perbaikan seperti penghalang dan tanggul.

Jelajahi fitur terbaru di RocFall
- Pembuat Laporan
Buat dan sesuaikan laporan profesional untuk proyek Anda. Tambahkan model, gambar tampilan grafik, dan laporan penghalang.
- Merencanakan Multi-Variabel
Plot hingga tiga nilai persentil dalam hubungannya dengan nilai maks dan rata-rata untuk grafik amplop.
- Perpustakaan Bahan Lereng
Hasilkan koefisien material dengan cepat untuk analisis Lumped Mass atau Rigid Body dengan memilih dari perpustakaan, material kemiringan umum.


rocscience RocFall

ROCFALL is a statistical analysis program designed to assist with a risk assessment of slopes at risk of rockfalls. Energy, velocity and "bounce height" envelopes for the entire slope are determined by the program as is the location of rock endpoints.

ROCFALL can also assist in determining remedial measures: the material properties of each slope segment can be changed and the analysis re-run, comparing the results. Information about the kinetic energy and location of impact on a barrier can help determine the capacity, size and location of barriers.

ROCFALL provides various ways of interacting with other Windows programs. All input and output data (formatted in tabular form) and screen captures, can be "pasted" into a word processor for speedy report writing. ROCFALL also allows "raw" data (e.g. the impact location on a barrier) to be "pasted" into a spreadsheet for more
detailed analysis. (e.g. determining what fraction of the impact locations were above a certain height; or fitting a probability distribution to the data).

Assess Slopes at Risk of Rockfalls

2D Statistical Analysis
Vary your slope material, geometry, and rock seeders to obtain an array of statistical envelopes, distribution graphs for energy, velocity and bounce height and visualize rock paths and endpoint distributions.

Barrier Analysis & Design Tools
Perform sensitivity analysis by creating custom barriers or choosing from a large library of predefined barriers including Geobrugg, Maccaferri, Pfeifer Isofer, RISP SRL, and Trumer Schutzbauten.

Rigid Body Analysis
Get more control of your analysis by defining the shape and size of rock and enable options for scarring, viscoplastic ground drag and vegetation damping. The Rigid Body algorithm also considers the impulse reaction of the rock.

RocFall across Applications RocFall
1. Mining
Account for loss of bench width, assess the risk of runoff reaching lower operating levels, and design mitigation measures for your mines.

2. Rock Slopes
Analyze instabilities in highly jointed rock slopes which pose risks for kinematic slope failures.

3. Transportation
Assess the risk of rockfalls reaching roadways and design and model remedial measures such as barriers and berms.

Explore the latest features in RocFall
- Report Generator
Create and customize professional reports for your projects. Add models, graph view images and barrier reports.
- Plotting Multi-Variables
Plot up to three percentile values in conjunction to the max and mean values for envelope graphs.
- Slope Materials Library
Quickly generate material coefficients for Lumped Mass or Rigid Body analysis by selecting from a library of common slope materials.

Technical Specifications RocFall

Coefficients of Restitution
- Table of coefficients of restitution included
- Table of coefficients of friction included

Data Collectors
- Gather information/statistics at any location

Earthen Berms
- Rockfall mitigation tool
- Triangular, trapezoidal, or custom berm shapes
- Calculate impact with berms or specify berms with infinite capacities

Enhanced Barrier Analysis
- Unlimited number of barriers
- Deformable barriers
- Single variable barrier sensitivity analysis
- Double variable barrier sensitivity analysis
- Reusable barrier properties
- Built-in library includes Maccaferri, Trumer-Schutzbauten, Geobrugg, and PFEIFER ISOFER barriers
- Check barrier designs per Italian or Austrian codes or un-factored method

- Pick particular rock paths to create statistics/graphs
- Define advanced filters based on combinations of criteria

Graphs Produced
- Histogram of rock endpoint locations
- Mean, standard deviation, max graphs (energy, velocity, bounce height, etc.)
- Distribution graphs show distribution at specific locations (same data as envelope graphs)
- Create histograms or cumulative distributions for specific locations (impact locations, energy, etc.)
- Toggle end reasons, seeders, rock types, and rock shapes added to Endpoint location, envelope, and distribution graphs

Lumped Mass Method
- Model each rock as a particle with only mass
- Use both normal and tangential coefficients of restitution
- Scale normal coefficient of restitution by rock mass or impact velocity

- Copy graphs/plots to clipboard
- Transfer plots to Excel with one click
- Add property tables to the model view
- Export rock paths to .dxf format
- Copy geometry/parameters to clipboard
- Advanced report generation
- Save screen to image fi le or capture to clipboard
- Slope and slope/chart views are easily added
- Animate rockfall results
- Display contact points
- Save computed paths

Rigid Body Method
- Rock type library
- Define rock shape and size
- Polygonal rock shapes and Fourier shapes
- Custom polygons
- Forest damping for treed slopes
- Variable friction according to sliding distance
- Viscoplastic ground drag

Rock Starting Location
- Specify single location, point seeder series, and line seeders
- Unlimited number of starting locations
- Probability settings for each seeder
- Random/Pseudo-random number generation

- No restriction on slope geometry (e.g., overhanging sections)
- Statistically defined material properties
- Forest damping for treed slopes
- Advanced friction parameters; scarring and viscous damping may be enabled
- Model crest loss
- Statistically defined slope vertices
- Import/export material properties
- Import .dxf, .crsp (version 3 & 4) fi les
- Import .bmp images
- Define slope based on segment lengths and angles

- Extensive verification manual

Plans & Pricing RocFall

1. Personal
A. Perpetual (One-time purchase)
- Own the version of your license in perpetuity
- Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
- Install on one computer

B. Lease (Ongoing subscription)
- Maintenance+ subscription
- Ongoing bug fixes
- Continuous new features
- Install on one computer

2. Flexible
A. Perpetual (One-time purchase)
- Own the version of your license in perpetuity
- Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
- Access on multiple computers

B. Lease (Ongoing subscription)
- Maintenance+ subscription
- Ongoing bug fixes
- Continuous new features
- Access on multiple computers

Rocscience is a world leader in developing 2D and 3D software for civil, mining, and geotechnical engineers. As engineers ourselves, we know the importance of having reliable and easy-to-use software. That’s why we constantly develop and refine our programs to make expert solutions that work for you.

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