Rocscience RocPlane – Detail dan Harga
Important features in ROCPLANE analysis include:
• Water Pressure
• External and seismic forces
• Active or passive bolt support
Rocscience RocPlane
RocPlane is an interactive software tool for performing planar rock slope stability analysis and design.
Planar Wedge Analysis for Slopes
An essential part of your rock slope analysis toolkit, RocPlane is an easy-to-use tool for the analysis and design of planar wedge stability. RocPlane is a very useful tool for geotechnical engineers analyzing bench stability in open pits and rock slopes.
RocPlane is an interactive software tool for performing planar rock slope stability analysis and design. RocPlane makes it easy to quickly create planar models, visualize them in both 2D and 3D, and evaluate analysis results. RocPlane contains many helpful features that allow users to rapidly build, modify and run models.
RocPlane also includes functionalities for easily analyzing results, generating figures and charts, and producing convenient summaries of models and results. The report generation features of RocPlane are especially useful to engineers when writing reports with high quality and professional-looking drawings and diagrams. They help slope designers readily communicate findings to people with varying levels of slope engineering knowledge.
About RocPlane
ROCPLANE is a simple to use, interactive software tool for assessing the stability of planar sliding blocks / wedges in rock slopes. It also allows users to estimate the support capacity required to achieve a specified factor of safety.
A planar wedge is a wedge for which sliding occurs on a plane approximately parallel to the face of a slope. ROCPLANE analyzes a slice of unit thickness taken perpendicular to the strike of the slope face. In the program, users have the option of performing either DETERMINISTIC or PROBABILISTIC analyses.
In a DETERMINISTIC analysis, ROCPLANE calculates the Factor of Safety for a wedge of known orientation and other input parameters. For PROBABILISTIC analysis the program allows users to specify statistical distributions for various input parameters, and the number of simulations required. ROCPLANE then computes the Probability of Failure of the wedge by running the analysis the specified number of times, each time generating different values for the stochastic input parameters.
Other important features in ROCPLANE analysis include:
• Water Pressure
• External and seismic forces
• Active or passive bolt support
Planar Rock Slope Analysis
Quickly and easily define planar wedge models, visualized in 2D and 3D. Perform planar sliding stability analysis using Limit Equilibrium Method. Model the effects of joint shear strength, water pressure, seismic and external forces, and supports in the computation of the factor of safety.
Probabilistic Analysis
Determine the probability of failure of your model by assigning statistical distributions to variables including the slope geometry, joint orientation and strength, water and seismic forces, and supports. View the statistical data in histogram, cumulative and scatter plots.
Bench Design Tools and Charts
Conduct Bench Design as an extension of RocPlane’s Probabilistic analysis feature. Input design parameters and statistical joint information to optimize the bench slope angle. Calculate required bench width, considering spill width and backbreak distance. Results can be output using a number of different statistical charts including total probability of failure, volume of failed wedges, minimum bench width, and backbreak cell probabilities.
RocPlane across Applications :
1. Mining
Assess the probability and scale of localized bench failures. Design adequate bench widths and slope face cuts using bench design tools to reduce the risk of failed material from reaching operating levels below.
2. Rock Slopes
Assess the planar stability of slopes created by the excavation of rock cuts.
Explore the latest features in RocPlane :
1. Batch Compute
Save time with the Batch Compute feature which enables you to compute several deterministic and/or probabilistic RocPlane model files (.pln, .pln4) at once and quickly generate results to text or Excel format.
2. Automate from Excel
Automate a deterministic or probabilistic analysis in RocPlane by reading in various numerical input data from an Excel template, and quickly generating computed results to text or Excel format.
3. Ponded Models
Apply Ponded Water Pressure to the Slope and/or Upper Face by specifying the depth of ponded water. Plane Water can also be modeled in conjunction with Ponded Water with assumption of either pervious or impervious slope face.
Technical Specifications Rocscience RocPlane :
A. Analysis
Deterministic or probabilistic
Metric or imperial units
Eurocode design standards
Bench design
B. Analysis Results
- Sidebar information panel
- Info Viewer analysis summary
- One-click export of data and charts to Excel
C. Automation
- Batch Compute model fi les
- Automate Model Inputs from Excel
D. Bench Analysis
- Optimize bench design
- Fixed bench width or inter-ramp angle
- Joint persistence determines if wedge can form
E. Loading
- Water pressure on joints
- Ponded water analysis
- Seismic coefficient
- External forces
- Pressure (surcharge or support)
F. Probabilistic Analysis
- Statistical distributions—normal, uniform, triangular, beta, exponential, lognormal, gamma
- Histogram, cumulative, and scatter plots
- Probability of failure, reliability index
- Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulation
- Random or pseudo-random sampling
- Shear strength—define variability of mean strength envelope or individual strength parameters
- Correlation coefficient for cohesion and friction angle
- Best fit distribution, regression line
- Highlight failed wedges on plots
- Interactive sampler
- Select random wedges
G. Sensitivity Analysis
- Determine effect of individual variables on safety factor
- Multiple variables on one plot
H. Shear Strength
- Mohr-Coulomb
- Barton-Bandis
- Power Curve
- Hoek-Brown
- Waviness angle
I. Slope Properties
- Dip angle of slope, upper face, and failure plane
- Slope height
- Bench width
- Overhanging slope
- Unit weight
J. Support
- Rock bolts
-- Define bolt properties from the following bolt types: Mechanically Anchored, Grouted Dowel, Cable Bolt, Split Set, Swellex, and Simple Bolt Force
-- Option to use bolt Shear Strength
-- Option to apply Bolt Orientation Efficiency factor
- Pressure
- Active or passive support
K. Tension Crack
- Optional tension crack plane
- Vertical or non-vertical
- User-defined or automatic location (minimum FS)
L. Viewing Options
- 3D wedge view
- Interactively rotate, zoom, and pan
- Move wedge along sliding plane
- 2D view with dimensioning and annotations
- Export image fi les: .png, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .emf, .wmf
M. Wedge Size
- Scale wedge size by height, bench width, persistence, and volume
- Minimum wedge size
RocPlane Plans & Pricing :
1. Personal
A. Perpetual - One-time purchase
- Own the version of your license in perpetuity
Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
- Install on one computer
B. Lease - Ongoing subscription
/ year
- Maintenance+ subscription
- Ongoing bug fixes
- Continuous new features
- Install on one computer
2. Flexible
A. Perpetual - One-time purchase
- Own the version of your license in perpetuity
- Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
- Access on multiple computers
B. Lease - Ongoing subscription
/ year
- Maintenance+ subscription
- Ongoing bug fixes
- Continuous new features
- Access on multiple computers
About Rocscience
Founded in 1996, Rocscience is a world leader in developing 2D and 3D software for civil, mining, and geotechnical engineers. As engineers ourselves, we know the importance of having reliable and easy-to-use software. That’s why we constantly develop and refine our programs to make expert solutions that work for you.
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