rocscience RocTopple Toppling Stability Analysis for Slopes

rocscience RocTopple
RocTopple menggunakan metode penggulingan Blok dari Goodman dan Bray (1976), metode Kesetimbangan Batas yang memperhitungkan mode kegagalan penggulingan dan geser dari setiap blok individu.

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rocscience RocTopple

Analisis Stabilitas Terguling untuk Lereng.

Model Penggulingan Blok
Menganalisis stabilitas keruntuhan blok 2D berdasarkan geometri lereng, dan jarak sambungan, kemiringan, dan kekuatan. RocTopple menggunakan metode penggulingan Blok dari Goodman dan Bray (1976), metode Kesetimbangan Batas yang memperhitungkan mode kegagalan penggulingan dan geser dari setiap blok individu.

Analisis Deterministik atau Probabilistik
Hitung keamanan pabrik dengan analisis deterministik atau probabilitas kegagalan untuk model probabilistik. Anda dapat memodelkan variabilitas dalam geometri, aplikasi titik gaya, kekuatan sambungan dan alas, tekanan air, beban eksternal, dan penyangga dengan menetapkan distribusi statistik ke variabel. Buat histogram, kumulatif, dan plot sebar data statistik.

Dukungan & Memuat
Implementasikan baut untuk menambatkan blok yang berpotensi tidak stabil. Terapkan beban eksternal ke model Anda dalam bentuk beban saluran, beban terdistribusi, beban seismik, dan tekanan air.

Lihat semua fitur di RocTopple
Lihat daftar lengkap fitur teknis di RocTopple.

RocTopple di seluruh Aplikasi
1. Penambangan
Manfaatkan model flexural topping untuk menganalisis retakan dan jembatan batu di proyek pertambangan Anda.
2. Lereng Batu
Mampu menganalisis mode kegagalan blok untuk semua jenis aplikasi lereng batuan.
3. Potongan Batu
Analisis lereng curam seperti potongan batu dan baut implement untuk dukungan tambahan.

RocTopple terintegrasi dengan mulus dengan

1. RS2
Ekspor kemiringan dan geometri blok Anda dari RocTopple sebagai file DXF dan impor ke RS2 untuk analisis lanjutan menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga.

Jelajahi fitur terbaru di RocTopple
A. Analisis Penggulingan Lentur Blok
Analisis keruntuhan blok lentur berdasarkan Metode Kesetimbangan Batas Amaini, Majdi dan Veshadi (2012), yang mempertimbangkan mode kegagalan blok karena topping, geser, lentur tarik dan geser.

B. Hitung Batch
Hemat waktu dengan fitur Batch Compute yang memungkinkan Anda menghitung beberapa file model RocTopple (.rtop) deterministik dan/atau probabilistik sekaligus dan dengan cepat menghasilkan hasil ke format teks atau Excel.

C. Otomatiskan Dari Excel
Mengotomatiskan analisis deterministik atau probabilistik di RocTopple dengan membaca berbagai data input numerik dari template Excel, dan dengan cepat menghasilkan hasil yang dihitung ke format teks atau Excel.



Toppling Stability Analysis for Slopes.

Block Toppling Model
Analyze 2D block toppling stability given the slope geometry, and the joint spacing, dip and strength. RocTopple employs the Block toppling method of Goodman and Bray (1976), a Limit Equilibrium method which takes into account toppling and sliding failure modes of each individual block.

Deterministic or Probabilistic Analysis
Calculate a factory of safety with deterministic analysis or the probability of failure for probabilistic models. You can model variability in geometry, point of force application, joint and bedding strength, water pressure, external loads, and supports by assigning statistical distributions to variables. Create histogram, cumulative, and scatter plots of statistical data.

Support & Loading
Implement bolts to anchor potentially unstable blocks. Apply external loads to your models in the form of line loads, distributed loads, seismic loads and water pressure.

See all features in RocTopple
Check out the full list of technical features in RocTopple.

RocTopple across Applications
1. Mining
Take advantage of the flexural toppling model to analyze cracks and rock bridges in your mining projects.
2. Rock Slopes
Capable of analyzing block failure modes for all types of rock slope applications.
3. Rock Cut
Analyze steep slopes like rock cuts and implement bolts for added support.

RocTopple seamlessly integrates with

1. RS2
Export your slope and block geometry from RocTopple as a DXF file and import it into RS2 for advanced analysis using Finite Element Method.

Explore the latest features in RocTopple
A. Block Flexure Toppling Analysis
Block Flexural toppling analysis based on the Limit Equilibrium Method of Amaini, Majdi and Veshadi (2012), which considers block failure modes due to toppling, sliding, tensile bending and shearing.

B. Batch Compute
Save time with the Batch Compute feature which enables you to compute several deterministic and/or probabilistic RocTopple model files (.rtop) at once and quickly generate results to text or Excel format.

C. Automate From Excel
Automate a deterministic or probabilistic analysis in RocTopple by reading in various numerical input data from an Excel template, and quickly generating computed results to text or Excel format.

Plans & Pricing rocscience RocTopple

1. Personal
A. Perpetual (One-time purchase)
- Own the version of your license in perpetuity
- Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
- Install on one computer

B. Lease (Ongoing subscription)
- Maintenance+ subscription
- Ongoing bug fixes
- Continuous new features
- Install on one computer

2. Flexible
A. Perpetual (One-time purchase)
- Own the version of your license in perpetuity
- Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
- Access on multiple computers

B. Lease (Ongoing subscription)
- Maintenance+ subscription
- Ongoing bug fixes
- Continuous new features
- Access on multiple computers

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