Assess Slopes at Risk of Rockfalls
2D Statistical Analysis
Vary your slope material, geometry, and rock seeders to obtain an array of statistical envelopes, distribution graphs for energy, velocity and bounce height and visualize rock paths and endpoint distributions.
Barrier Analysis & Design Tools
Perform sensitivity analysis by creating custom barriers or choosing from a large library of predefined barriers including Geobrugg, Maccaferri, Pfeifer Isofer, RISP SRL, and Trumer Schutzbauten.
Rigid Body Analysis
Get more control of your analysis by defining the shape and size of rock and enable options for scarring, viscoplastic ground drag and vegetation damping. The Rigid Body algorithm also considers the impulse reaction of the rock
Features in SWedge
Technical Specifications
Project Settings
- Select from Lumped Mass and Rigid Body Methods
- Scale normal coefficient of restitution by rock mass or impact velocity
- Psuedo-random number generation for repeatable results
- Advanced simulation settings
Lumped Mass Method
- Models each rock as a particle with only mass
- Models impacts using both normal and tangential coefficients of restitution
- Models pseudo-rotation
- Models sliding using friction angle
Rigid Body Method
- Define rock shape, size, and mass:
- Polygonal rock shapes and smooth shapes
- Custom Polygon rock shapes
- Models sliding and rolling with dynamic coefficients of friction and rolling friction
- Variable friction with sliding distance
- Viscoplastic ground drag
- Forest damping for vegetated slopes
- Variable slope roughness
- Specify rock source locations using point seeders, point seeder series, and line seeders
- Unlimited number of rock source locations
- Probability settings for seeder starting velocities and rotations
- Pseudo-random number generation
- No restrictions on slope geometry (e.g., overhanging sections)
- Statistically defined material properties
- Model crest loss
- Statistically defined slope vertices
- Import/export material properties
- Import .dxf, .crsp (version 3 & 4) files
- Define slope based on segment lengths and angles
Enhanced Barrier Analysis
- Unlimited number of barriers
- Single variable barrier sensitivity analysis
- Double variable barrier sensitivity analysis
- Reusable barrier properties
- Built-in library includes Maccaferri, Trumer-Schutzbauten, Geobrugg, PFEIFER Protective Structures and RISP barriers
- Custom barriers
- Check barrier designs per Italian, Austrian codes or Non-factored method
Earthen Berms
- Triangular, trapezoidal, or custom berm shapes
- Calculate impact with berms or specify berms with infinite capacities
Data Collectors
- Gather information/statistics at any location
- Define advanced filters based on combinations of criteria
- Filter rock paths to create statistics/graphs
Graphs Produced
- Histogram of rock endpoint locations
- Plot max, mean, and/or percentile graphs (energy, velocity, bounce height, etc.) along slope
- Distribution graphs show the distribution of bounce heights, energies, etc. at specific locations (same data as envelope graphs)
- Create histograms or cumulative distributions for specific locations (impact locations, energy, etc.)
- Toggle end reasons, seeders, rock types, and rock shapes added to Endpoint location, envelope, and distribution graphs
- Group plots of runout distances and barrier impacts for slope sections batch exported from RocFall3
- Copy graphs/plots to clipboard
- Transfer plots to Excel with one click
- Add property tables to the model view
- Export slope, rock paths, barriers, collectors, and berms to .dxf format
- Copy geometry/parameters to clipboard
- Advanced report generation
- Save screen to image file or capture to clipboard
- Slope and slope/chart views are easily added
- Animate rockfall trajectories
- Display contact points
- Save computed paths
Report Generator
- Adding views to your Report
- Adding barrier design reports to your Report
- Print report or export to PDF’s
Common Material Type Libraries
- Table of coefficients of restitution included
- Table of coefficients of friction included
- Table of rock densities
RocFall2 across Applications
Account for loss of bench width, assess the risk of runoff reaching lower operating levels, and design mitigation measures for your mines.
Analyze instabilities in highly jointed rock slopes which pose risks for kinematic slope failures.
Assess the risk of rockfalls reaching roadways and design and model remedial measures such as barriers and berms.
Explore the latest features in RocFall2
Batch export 2D slope sections from RocFall3 and conduct group analysis in RocFall2 for comparing runout distances and impact on barriers.
Plot up to three percentile values in conjunction to the max and mean values for envelope graphs.
Quickly generate material coefficients for Lumped Mass or Rigid Body analysis by selecting from a library of common slope materials.
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