by AdminSO | Aug 22, 2023 | Rocscience, Rocscience Excavation Design
CPillar Support Estimation Using Ground Reaction Curves Buy CPillar Crown Pillar Stability Analysis Get quick and easy stability analysis of surface or underground crown pillars and laminated roof beds using three different limit equilibrium analysis methods: rigid...
by AdminSO | Aug 22, 2023 | Rocscience, Rocscience Excavation Design
RocSupport Support Estimation Using Ground Reaction Curves Buy RocSupport Ground Reaction Curve Easy-to-use software for estimating deformation of circular excavations in weak rock. Given the tunnel radius, in-situ stress conditions, rock parameters and support...
by AdminSO | Aug 21, 2023 | Rocscience, Rocscience Excavation Design
UnWedge Underground Wedge Stability Analysis Buy UnWedge Underground Wedge Stability Analysis Analyze underground tunnel excavations with intersecting discontinuities and visualize the model in 3D. Determine the stability of tetrahedral wedges formed along the tunnel...
by AdminSO | Aug 21, 2023 | Rocscience, Rocscience Excavation Design
EX3 3D Stress Analysis for Underground Excavations Buy EX3 Boundary Element Method & Stress Analysis Perform faster analysis of underground excavations using Boundary Element Method, which only requires meshing of the surface, resulting in simpler and more...
by AdminSO | Aug 18, 2023 | Rocscience, Rocscience Excavation Design, Rocscience Settlement & Foundation, Rocscience Slope Stability
Dips Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Orientation Data Buy Dips Stereographic Projection Analysis Designed for interactive analysis of orientation based geological data. Visualize orientation vectors, density contours, planes, intersections, and traverses. Draw...
by AdminSO | Aug 18, 2023 | Rocscience, Rocscience Excavation Design, Rocscience Settlement & Foundation, Rocscience Slope Stability
RSData Strength & Stress Analysis of Rock and Soil Materials Buy RSData Virtual Soil Mechanics Lab Utilize constitutive models like NorSand and Modified Cam Clay to get an in-depth look into the stress-strain relationship of your soil materials. RocProp A bonus of...